So, it's been pretty eventful around here lately. An empty shop in town is now being used as a set for some movie O_O Not only that, but the movie involves Christmas being early..... That's right. It's mid-August and there are Christmas decorations all over nearly half of the main street. It's crazy. AND There's a meteor shower tonight. Me and my family drove out of the town to some elevated land where there are NO LIGHTS. It was intense :D ゥキ。(≧v≦●)。。(●≧v≦)。ゥキ。 AND I've got driving classes coming up. The theoretical stuff. Then I'll start driving. Make sure to stay off the roads :D
So, a while ago I went on a downloading spree for J-Pop and K-Pop... I'm still not done sorting it all @__@ I'm nearly done with the J-Pop. There were like 1000 ish songs? I dunno, but there's been A LOT. Anyways, once I'm done with J-Pop, then I'll do K-Pop then I'll wipe my iTunes library clean and then re-choose what songs I want.... This might take a while :/
;_; Morning Musume will never be the same.
I'm a half-Japanese, half-Scottish girl, who moved from Scotland in autumn 2007 to Nova Scotia, Canada. Right now, my life goal is to finish my schooling, then teach as an English teacher in Japan. Why? Because I frggin' LOVE Japan :D